(***UPDATED*** March 5, 2009, click here to proceed to updated material. Thank you for the email submissions!)
Children are so perceptive about an adult's behavior. They absorb what they see and hear. Children spend their childhood learning not only how to 'be an adult' but how to 'be'. They will adopt (inherit) their role models' morals, beliefs, body language, and coping mechanisms.
Black Single Mothers are especially influential to children. Wherever a Black Single Mother steers children is likely where the child will go. A positive influence on a child will likely result in a child becoming as healthy an adult as a Black Single Mother can produce. And a negative influence will likely result in a socially, emotionally and mentally dis-eased adult.
When we observe the state of the whole Black Community's character, we too often place blame on the state of Black Men. Certainly, there's a lot of blame to be placed on Black Men in this regard. However, there has been an inadequate amount of blame placed on the more likely source of more common poor living skills, i.e. on Black Women, Single Mothers, and Serial Single Mothers.
As an example, the troubles faced and engaged in by Black People, can be generally categorized in five groups: sex, violence , materialism, personal responsibility and no'countability (good-for-nothing). The following are examples of the influence Black Women are having on Black Children in these areas. It's not hard to determine the likely result in the children's character as they become tomorrow's adults.
Black Mother breast feeds infant while driving and using cell phone
Genine Compton was seen breastfeeding an infant while driving a van with other children aboard. And, simultaneously using her cell phone. The witness reported her information to the police and she was ultimately ticketed and charged with endangering her child and violating a child restraining law.
She defends her behavior by emphasizing it was a benefit for her child, saying, "if my child is hungry I'm going to feed it". But this is just an appeal to the good parenting inclinations of her critics. However, good parenting inclinations are exactly why she's being scrutinized for endangering her children, i.e. her bad parenting inclination.
Suggesting she fed her child because the child was hungry is a great defense, if that was the issue. It's not the issue. There is no complaint about breast feeding her child. It doesn't explain why she breast fed her child while driving (endangering herself, her infant and the other children with her) or while simultaneously using her cell phone.
Simply put, this Black Mother is deflecting from her negative behavior because she doesn't want to take personal responsibility for doing something clearly stupid and irresponsible. And her older children are present during this video recorded interview while she makes defenses for her poor choices.
The police report quotes this mother, "I know all about safety, I'm not concerned about that".
The lesson here is be a screw-up, deflect, insist on being a screw-up.
Read whole story (video)
Black Mother teaching young Black Girls racism, perverted sense of self esteem, false empowerment through sexuality, materialism and attention hoarism.
This has become a popular video. The most common reaction from Black Women commenting about the video is telling a story about their great parenting experiences to convince us it's an isolated event. But it's not isolated at all.
Black Women encourage little girls to be hostile, argumentative, drama hoars, and to empower themselves through their sexuality. These girls will likely be the most superficial creatures in their neighborhood (a neighborhood that will continually change before they become adults, since this woman is probably not a homeowner will probably jump her lease a million times).
The only competitors to their glorified sexuality, hatred and low self-esteem will probably be other girls raised by comparably idiotic Black Mothers. (with all of these other negative traits being present in little girls from other races , these girls can always pull the race card, as is seen in the video)
It's not hard to infer or generalize from this video that the woman coaching these Black Girls is: Black, Single Serial Mother, uneducated, materialistic, racist and an all around Hoar. And these are similar to the generalizations most people make about all Black Women.
These two girls are our future that Black Women are raising today.
Other recently circulated trash from Black Women:
Is there any hope Black Girls will develop a sense of decency with these Black Hoars for their role models?
March 5, 2009 Updates
Black Women Hoars take pride in the youthfulness of their recruits (Hoarettes).
This video is titled by its poster (a 20 year old Black Woman), 'lolli lolli pop that body' and adds in the captions that "my little cousin dancing to songszz..she isz only 4 or 5..dont leave no freakin mean commentsz!!"
This video, by the same youtuber (a 20 year old Black Woman), adds that these Black Girls are her little sister and couzin and are only 10 and 11 years old. Notice early in the video as the Black Girl on the left engages in gender reversion.
Both these young Black Girls have inherited their older sisters self-esteem system; a system founded on sexuality over character. It takes them approx. 15 secs. to show off their Hoarism and shake their rear ends.
note: Nice skirts for preteens eh? Good job big sister.
This gem is called 'Lil sis got a DONK'. You can hear and view the older sister cheering. There is a young Black Boy in the video as well. The Black Woman who posted this simply adds in the video comments, "ONLY 12".
It's plain as day; Black Women take measurable pride when they've successfully influenced Black Girls to become Hoars.
The younger the better:
The effect Black Women have on Black Boys' sexuality is an incredible disaster. The trend is clear, Black Women will Hoar in front of young boys while teach young girls to become Hoars.
Behavioral scientists agree, excessive sexuality with older children, or someone who has more sophisticated sexual experience is inappropriate. It results in the child's expression of sexuality becoming a preoccupation and prominent feature throughout their life.
Black Children should learn important lessons that will assist them in becoming healthy adults. What they are learning from Black Women is that being no'countable (good-for-nothing), unaccountable, and being preoccupied with expressing sexuality are all important.
There are already a number of external, or extra familial obstacles Black Children face while growing to be adults. These obstacles become unconquerable because Black Women prevent Black Children from learning to think, feel, and act with respect for themselves, their well-being and for other people.
It's obvious Black Children are not learning to act responsibly from Black Women. Instead, they are learning to act irresponsibly and develop defenses against others scrutinizing their behavior.
The next generation of Black People will inherit a preoccupation with sexuality, irresponsibility, and be inclined to defend their nonsense, all thanks to today's Black Women. All the evidence points in the same direction; Black Children are inheriting their negativity from Black Women.
It's not a hard conclusion to draw...Black Women suck.
7 hours ago