And they kill their own babies.
20 year old Ciara Craig, from Kenner, La. killed her 1 day old baby by dropping it into a lake.
Kenner Police Chief Steve Caraway reported "she said she was not ready to raise a baby,” Caraway said. “She said it was the result of a one-night stand and she did not want it.” (Read whole story...)
Ciara Craig killed her own baby...because...because...she was not ready to raise it? So because Ciara Craig is a lazy whore her baby dies?
She is lazy & a whore--it needs to be said twice!
- The mother was trying to hide her pregnancy from her parents.
- She has been charged with first-degree murder.
- An autopsy is set for Wednesday on the baby girl.
It's not a hard conclusion to draw...Black Women suck.
Post a ReplyAnonymous on March 1,
No anti-male sentiments on my blog.
Anonymous on March 3,
No racist comments on my blog.
So people can't be anti-male and racist on here, but you feel free to be anti-female and racist against Black women? That makes no sense! Two wrongs don't make a right.
Two wrongs don't make a right? Oh black women y'all are a complete joke! You've had your say, when someone calls you out you're all like let's do something positive...y'all are complete bullshit!
This is a a damn shame. I never did understand why women dont take advantage of all of this birth-control we have available. A one night stand and didnt use a condom? what type of bs is this? and if she didnt want it, get an abortion. why give the child life and then take life from the child? SMDH.
Let them kill their babies, one less lazy black person in the world!
Go to hell you racist piece of shit. I wish your life could be exchanged for that innocent baby. Why don't you further your education or get a better job you illiterate fuck? How about being a part of the solution instead of causing a bigger problem. You're not worth the air you breathe. It's real easy to hide behind a computer screen and post shit about black people. You and I both know you would NEVER say it to a black person's face. You're a fucking coward. Post your name and address so some black people can find you and toss you in the lake.
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