(**Updated** Feb. 21, 2009)
Smug Black Women online love to spread the myth they aren't being called out for their bullshit on the streets. As with most other things Black Women express this is another lie.
This ignorant mannish behavior is the result of Black Women's bull dyke feminist transformation. Let's review some things:
- 1 of these women peacocks back and forth before men who openly hate her using her body to taunt them. This attempted provocative Walk of Femininity began when the men began chanting "You're a Slut!". How ironic!
- 1 of these women repeatedly demanded the men, who openly hate her, get his hands out of her face, yet, she continued to position herself nearer and nearer to him
- 2 of these women are obviously fat
- 2 of these women are dressed like little boys
- 2 of these women engage in masculine mannerisms
- All 3 compete with each other for the attention of men who openly hate them--Attention Whores
- All 3 women endure this abuse from men who hate them for nearly 7 mins. They loved every moment of the attention from men who tell them "we 'gon be killing these bitches"
The black gender war is not only online.
UPDATE Feb. 21, 2009--More evidence against the 'Black Gender War Is Only Online' myth:
Even men who soapbox extreme stupid-shit in America's streets know it's not a hard conclusion to draw...Black Women suck.
Post a ReplyNow I bet it would take 1000 blogs to write all about black males. Grow up, you are not innocent. What do you have a degree in? Where do you work? Where are your kids? Are you married to your kids' mother? Do you use condoms all the time or are you abstinent until marriage? Do you get regular doctor check ups? Are you on drugs or sell them? Do you have a criminal record? Are you prone to violence? Are you respectful to women, especially black women? Do you take an active part in cleaning up your neighborhood? Are you a youth mentor?
Obviously you don't know anything about me. That's exactly why you can't make a perceptive point without my answers to your questions.
And thus, you don't have a point.
You're overlooking the fact that without any of these answers, you have no rational basis on which to condemn me; except that I condemn Black Women who have contemptible characters.
You are also overlooking that I've highlighted stories about Black Women who kill their babies. Condemn them. Unless you believe those Black Children deserved to be killed by their Black Mothers.
In which case, I'd wish I knew more about *you* so I could post an article titled "Black Women who support other Black Women who kill their children".
By Dr. Vernon McClean
Even during the many decades of slavery, black fathers performed. "feminine tasks."I n the opening paragraph of Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man," published in 1952, the male narrator says that he is invisible "simply because people refuse to see me." That is, "like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorted glass." And, "when they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination ñ indeed, everything and anything except me." This particular brand of invisibility generally characterizes the existence of black fathers in contemporary America.
The role of black fathers is one of the strongest and most important traditions in the black community. There is no question that in their earliest years in the New World enslaved African-Americans were concerned about their fathers. Moreover, their loyalty to their fathers (and mothers) defined the efforts of their white slaveholders to break the family bonds of their slaves.
Belle Hooks, in her "Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism" (1988), reminds us that "scholars have emphasized the impact of slavery on the black male consciousness, arguing that black men, more so than black women, were the ëreal' victims of slavery." She documents the reality that "sexist historians and sociologists have provided the American public with a perspective on slavery in which the most cruel and de-humanizing impact of slavery on the lives of black people was that black men were stripped of their masculinity, which the psychologists and historians argue resulted in the dissolution and overall disruption of any black familial structure."
My argument, however, is that rather than being stripped of our masculinity and experiencing "the dissolution and overall disruption of any black familial structure," black fathers have served the black community well, including in the present.
Even during the many decades of slavery, black fathers performed what men have, often derisively, called "feminine tasks." Moreover, some psychologists and historians have mislabeled the carrying out of these tasks as constituting a form of "male castration." They have argued that performing these tasks (such as nurturing and caretaking) amounted to the "victimizations" of black fathers.
My counter-argument is supported by a careful assessment of the functions of fathers, especially those held in slavery, and draws upon slave narratives which clearly demonstrated male participation in such "feminine" roles as those of full-time fathers, nurturers, caretakers and single parents ñ roles which gave full scope to the sentimental abilities of African-American fathers.
A close reading of slave narratives reveals the emotive and caring nature of African-American fathers. For example, Eugene Genovese, in his "Roll, Jordan, Roll" (1978), relates the story of one George Payne of Virginia, who wept when his child was sold away from him. Similarly, Professor Genovese relates the story of another Virginia slave who chopped off his left hand with a hatchet to prevent his being sold away from his child.
These and many other instances point up the reality that, for African-American fathers, the traits of nurturance and devotion, or what sociologists have termed "positive behavioral characteristics," most definitely were present. If it appears to some that such traits were lacking, this is mainly because these traits have seldom been commented on in the media.
Regarding family and personal relationships, today's African-American males are no less sensitive than their forefathers. According to one black physician, "black men come to the psychiatrist's office in large numbers, in pain and genuinely seeking help. They have little or nothing to say about the statistics, myths and other sociological pronouncements so often made about them. Rather, they come in talking about depression, anxiety, frustration, fear, guilt, esteem issues and anger that are most often related to the close, ongoing relationships in their lives." (Henry E. Edward, "Black Families in Crisis: the Middle Class," 1988).
As a professor of African-American Studies, I emphasize solutions rather than problems when I teach. Thus, I cannot conclude this essay without advancing some suggestions for supporting black fathers:
Reach out to black fathers. If you know of a "full-time dad," give him support, let him know you care and encourage him.
Take your brother/father to a church, synagogue or mosque. Religion/spirituality is a source of strength for all of us. Too often, because of a false sense of masculinity and machismo, black fathers do not want to acknowledge the need for a Higher Power. Encourage your clergy person to support "full-time dads."
If the black father has been abusive, use the occasion to help him discuss this situation. Again, acknowledging the role which sexism has played in our lives, it is difficult for black men to express their emotions. Encourage him to be gentle and loving. Let him know you love him, even if he is not muscular like Mike Tyson or graceful like Michael Jordan.
Boycott radio stations, talk-show hosts, newspapers and businesses that defame black fathers.
Oppose further cuts in jobs and social service programs. Defend those programs and policies that allow black fathers to earn the money necessary to provide for their families.
Encourage "full-time dads" to join a black men's group, such as those organized in the inner cities. Black men need the support of other black men in order to be good fathers.
Encourage teachers and professors to discuss the plight of the black father in their classes.
While these suggestions focus on what others can do to help black fathers, there are measures which we as black fathers can do to help ourselves. Black fathers are not entirely blameless in their own oppression. Too often, we are abusive toward black women; a black woman is 16 times more likely to be raped than a white woman. Moreover, we are too often absent as fathers in our families and communities.
Black fathers must therefore understand that black women are their equals. It is easy to blame the black woman for all pathologies in the black comm-unity, since too many of us leave the raising of our children to mothers. And when children commit crimes, we blame the victims: black women and black children.
The positive examples cited in this essay debunk the opinion sometimes voiced by talk shows that black fathers do not care and have never cared about their children. Ironically, this view is sometimes echoed by some black women who assert that "there are no good black men left" and that "they (black men) take after their no-good black fathers."
The majority of black fathers, however, are still waiting to exhale. That is, we are still waiting for the black media to acknowledge our presence and to write something good about us. Too long we have been invisible.
Dr. Vernon McClean is Professor of African-American Studies at William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey, and is a member of the leadership council of The National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS).
I do not support any kind of murder. I am prolife. My comments were directed to all the whiny black men, who try to attack all black women as if we are all the same. Especially, since much can be pulled up about black men [worldwide] and how they (most) are living their lives. Which we all know is not a good picture. So it's makes no sense to attack black men and women. There are bad people in every race. And only black people seem to shout to the world, the things they feel is wrong with every black man or woman. Me, I'm only worrying about myself, my life, and career. People will be who they are. It's up to them to change or not.
Your comments were directed specifically to me. It's too late for backpedaling.
Then you were overly concerned about me and my personal life. Yet now you're telling me all you're worrying about is yourself.
It's obvious you're a self-contradicting delusional person without intellectual integrity nor the intent to develop any.
You are no longer welcomed to comment on my blog.
Great blog! Be sure to visit my youtube channels for even more SHOCKING VIDEOS of Black females engaging in low-life niggashit behaviors.
thanks for stopping by and leaving those links. tomorrow i'll work out a side bar to place those links to your VERY informative youtube videos.
Boy, keep up the great website.
1)Why on earth would you take the time to respond to an idiot like GetReal? That trash doesn't have an original argument.
2)Black women aren't the main ones who walk over Black men. Women in general screw over Black men who are nice to them.
2)"Black women aren't the main ones who walk over Black men. Women in general screw over Black men who are nice to them."
Most of the black men I know and have read about in the news were screwed over by BLACK WOMEN...not "Women in general".
If I am wrong, please provide some proof that supports your assertion.
I find this blog to be offensive and worded incorrectly. It should not be "Black Women Suck;" but more appropriately, "Some People Suck, No Matter the Race" because anywhere you look, you can find women and men with ridiculously "ghetto" attitudes and actions.
I am a Black woman. I attend one of the top liberal arts institutions in the United States, am at the top of my class, do not have children, and do not put myself in situations that would be compromising to my health; moral standing; education; or life.
I believe that you should not base your judgments of an entire population of women on the actions of a certain demographic raised in an environment that is structured to keep them at the bottom of the social hierarchy. I also do not know your race, or anything else about your background for that matter, but whoever you are, you should really consider all of the facts before coming to such blatantly stupid conclusions.
i see alot of black men are in pain. alot of pain. and i think you have a right to be. your communities are crumbling around you, your woman no longer respects you or cares about how " the man" is supposedly keeping you down. and basically, noone seems to give a crap what you all think.
i am a black woman, i do not hate you all, although I wasn't raised with black men around, although unfortunately, i have seen you all act irresponsibly more than you act responsibly. i cannot judge you all.
when you say black women make horrible choices in men,w ith thugs and no good men, i agree, black women DO need to make better choices, about who they let father their children, and into their lives, b ut you guys NEVER talk about how there are such a dispraportionate number of you doing no good, up to no good, hanging around, wasting your time, impregnating women. your focus is on "black women make bad choices" yeah alot of Black women have to accept more responsibility,and so do alot of you. the problem is many of you NEVER accept resonsibility.
so when isee you on youtube, and blackmenvent. and all these other sites, crying out cause yes thats what you are doing, i can only say may God heal yo ur hearts. you all are in pain. and the way you are expressing your pain is through, bitching, whining. lashing out, there is something even feminine about the way you lash out " black women do this, black women are the reason i m faiiing" you sound like females! many of you, not ALL of yo u. and i guess alot of you didn't have fathers around, so what can i expect.
honestly, its just such a turn off to see a weak man, lashing out in his pain at anyone who will listen. i know something needs to be done, but im not sure what. and i choose not to be apart of it. why don't you reach out to your many brothers who are wasting their lives, and devaluing the lives of their own sons and fellow black men, instead of wasting your time lashing out at people?
I have nothing against you all really, i am not a hoodrat, im not a baby's momma, i have no children, I date responsibly, and i simply don't wnat to be lumped into one group, the same way many of you don't want to, see you won't see my humanity, but you want me to respect yours.
the game is up, its 2010,a nd noone cares about "the man holding you down" because the man has held a great many of down so to speak, but still you have to rise. If black females suck so much, just move on, please, move on. stop having this dialog, it is old, it is tired, and you all just sound pathetic. There are many options out there for women, as you amny of you love point out, why not move on and leave us alone. and of course the Black women engaging in this nonsense, i encourage you to do the same, Love is where you find it.
Much Love and Peace
a Black female who "doesn't suck"
its true black women do suck,i dont like them much at all. loudmouth,evil,ignorant,selfish,rude,materialistic,annoying,pain in the asses,blaming everyone but herself. it would be great if all black men seperate from black women.too many negative encounters with black women from past to present.
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